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Listen to Yourself. Abstract Art. Abstraktologie

This artwork is titled 'Listen to Yourself - the voluble inner voice'. It's an intriguing little painting featuring flashes of purple and white with splashes of orange and pink.

What inspired the artwork?

Kate Murphy's 'You're Not Listening: What You're Missing & Why it Matters' is one of the most essential books of our age. This book explores the art of listening and the profound impact listening, and the lack of it, has on our lives.

This piece of art focuses on the lessons in Chapter 11: Listening to Yourself - the voluble inner voice. What does the voice in your head say? Does it encourage or castigate you? Does it criticize or complement? What do you need yourself to hear?

It's easy to dismiss the voice in our heads and this playful little painting asks you to remember the value of listening to yourself. Think of the jagged lines as the sound waves of a recorded conversation. What would you hear your voice say to you if you played back the words?

This lesson is about listening to your intuition and trusting your instincts. It's about understanding yourself better, getting to know your dreams, your fears and your true values. If you value listening to yourself and want a reminder to do that daily, this is the painting for you.

Check out the 'Listen and Think Well' Collection.