Collection: FIND YOUR FLOW
Flow is that state when time stops and you are completely immersed in doing something you love. We are at our happiest and most creative when we're in flow. It feels good.
But how do you find your flow? Series inspired by:
- Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi: 'Living Well - the psychology of everyday life'
- Chris Baréz-Brown: 'Shine: How to survive and thrive at work'
- Elizabeth Gilbert: 'Big Magic'
- Adam Grant: 'Originals'
- Sir Ken Robinson: 'The Element - how finding your passion changes everything'
- Simon Sinek: 'Start with Why' and 'Find your Why'
- Dr Tara Swart: 'The Source'
The ideas in these books are provoking and have the potential to be life-changing.
Finding your flow is the essence of finding out who you are and what you could do with your life. Each painting is an exercise in experiencing flow and urges you to find yours.
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